Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Brett Favre Retires

"Brett Favre retires from gardening", the title of this post should say. In a week where NFL online betting fans have been following sports betting news sites more closely than presidential elections, the only news to come out of Brett Favre’s camp was that he fell off a tractor while tending to his oversized garden. Brett Favre is starting to get on the nerves of a lot of NFL fans, in addition to the already peeved off Minnesota Vikings.

Is Brett Favre possibly looking to make a “The Decision” sequel and follow Lebron James’ lead? Brett Favre is good, but his decision to or not to retire will not have that big of an impact of the NFL like Lebron James’ decision had on the NBA.

Brett Favre News

Aside from tractor injuries, inside reports are speculating that Brett Favre will make his announcement on whether or not he will retire next week as he is scheduled to see his doctor this week. For the latest NFL online betting news, be sure to come back here so we can bore you with news about Brett Favre.

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