Tuesday, July 20, 2010

NFL Possibly Moving to an 18 Game Schedule

I couldn’t find any pictures to represent the new proposed NFL 18 schedule, so instead I figured I would treat you guys to a picture of the Miami Dolphins’ cheerleaders. I guess you could say that if the new 18 game schedule is approved by the NFL, you will get to see a lot more of NFL cheerleaders, which also means they will be working less at strip clubs.

For the last couple of months there has been a big debate going on between NFL owners, players, news reporters, critics and fans about the proposed 18 game NFL season, but everybody might as well save their breath because it is going to happen 100%.

NFL Betting Schedule

I for one welcome the extended season proposal which means that pre-season games will turn into regular season games that actually mean something and will be worth watching. Everybody knows that betting on the NFL pre-season is so unpredictable and only moneyline betting odds are safe bets to make during pre-season games. I guess the only people who might not like the extended season would be the players who will have to work an extra 2 days a year, but I say if you love what you do, what’s an extra 2 days if it means it will generate more revenue for the vendors who work at the games, the small pubs who only get business on game day and the cheerleaders that just want to make a living dancing with their tops on.

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