Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jamarcus Russell Arrested

The facial expression of Jamarcus Russell in his mug shot picture to the left says it all, “I once had a $36 million contract but decided to throw it all away on getting high off of cough syrup.”

Earlier this week Jamarcus Russell, former #1 draft pick of the Oakland Raiders but now released from their roster, was arrested for possession of illegal drugs. The drug is question was codeine syrup which is also referred to as “purple drank” by rappers. California police say they had been investigating the fallen star for the last two months.

2010 Oakland Raiders Predictions

With things going from bad to worse for Jamarcus Russell, one has to question Al Davis, and the rest of the Oakland Raiders organization. Why is the Oakland Raiders franchise such a hotbed for badass football players? Is there something about Black and Silver that make players rowdy?
This season the Oakland Raiders have brought in Jason Campbell who is known for being one of the “clean good guys” in the NFL. How long before he too is corrupted? Currently online sportsbooks have the Oakland Raiders predicted at 80/1 betting odds to win the Super Bowl, and 45/1 betting odds to win the AFC Conference which I do not see happening this season, even with Jason Campbell at the helm.

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