Saturday, June 26, 2010

Donovan McNabb Readies for NFL Season

The question on the minds of NFL online betting players everywhere is, “Can Donovan McNabb do for Santana Moss, what Brett Favre did for Sidney Rice last NFL season?”

That’s what coach Mike Shanahan of the Washington Redskins is hoping and only time will tell if Shanahan, McNabb and Moss can come together this upcoming NFL season and put their NFL critics at rest.

Washington Redskins NFL Preview

This upcoming NFL season for the Washington Redskins has a lot of new faces trying to make a name for themselves in Washington, forgetting old playbooks for new ones, and befriending new teammates. For McNabb and Shanahan, this NFL season is going to be similar to their first day of high school and they just better hope they don’t get locked into a locker this time around!

A lot of online sportsbooks are betting that the Redskins will win at least 4-5 more NFL games than last year with the new moves which I believe to be a very reasonable NFL pick to bet on.

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