Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ben Roethlisberger Breaks His Silence

In the above picture Ben Roethlisberger is not judging a contest to see who has the best microphone, however it is the first time he has spoken with the media since his sexual transgressions. I’m getting sick of writing about the Ben Roethlisberger saga, and I’m sure you guys are getting sick of reading it so moving forward this will be the last time we talk about it, unless of course there is nothing else to talk about!

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Ben Roethlisberger’s publicist has just recently announced that Ben will not be sharing his side of the story with reporters after practices, after games, or in any press conferences this year, but he does want to tell his side of the story on a grand scale in front of a larger audience.

Rumors have recently been speculated that Roethlisberger will be telling his story on either Larry King Live or the Oprah Show. As much as I love NFL news stories, I’m not sure how many NFL football fans are going to be interested in watching Roethlisberger shedding tears on the Oprah Show in between commercial breaks for tampons and women’s deodorant. Unless Oprah is giving out NFL betting odds or betting picks, you can count me out.

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