Thursday, May 13, 2010

NFL Players or Horses?

I think it’s safe to say Brian Cushing was experiencing a little roid-rage in the above picture, pretty much putting Seattle Seahawks quarterback, Matt Hassleback in Steve Austin’s Stone Cold Stunner wrestling move.

Brian Cushing, a linebacker for the Houston Texans has tested positive for a NFL football banned performance enhancement substance. The bigger news that has everyone talking is that Cushing will not miss one single NFL football game for this violation.

This news does not upset me because I like my NFL football players to be on some sort of drugs, it just makes the game wilder, but there are a lot of players, teams and fans causing a kafuffle about the lack of discipline by NFL football officials.

NFL Online Betting

What upsets me is that NFL officials off the record could careless about what performance enhancement drugs their players are on, but on the record they have a raging boner against NFL online betting. This doesn’t make sense to me at all. If you’re going to treat NFL football players like horses and feed them steroids, you should then also embrace NFL online betting because as we know everyone bets on horses!

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