Monday, May 31, 2010

Detroit Lions Shake Up Their NFL Roster

I sympathize with Detroit Lions fans everywhere and hopefully this will be the year they start moving forward or else I fear that suicide rate in Detroit will soon skyrocket and that has nothing to do with the auto industry.

Detroit Lions NFL Betting

Lion’s fans do have hope this season as the organization has just made 2 very significant signings that are sure to help last season’s worst Pass Defense stop some passes this NFL season. The Detroit Lions have just signed Louis Delmas and Kyle Vanden Bosch who are not only known for their hard to pronounce lastnames, but also known for their great defensive talents at stopping the pass.

Last NFL season the Detroit Lions had a 2-14 record, this NFL season I would predict that the Lions go 6-10 which will be a major improvement over recent years. I also think the Lions will win the annual Thanksgiving Day game special which hasn’t been worth watching in about 10 years because the Lions have played so horrible.

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