Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Struggling NFL Teams

Going into NFL Week 4 there are a lot of notable teams struggling or play subpar from what online sportsbooks originally had them predicted as. As with every year, there are always teams who are expected to do bad, and they do, but what about the NFL teams that everyone predicted as going 3-0?

The Buffalo Bills are by no means one of the NFL teams that fans expected to go anywhere, and their recent woes have just gotten worse. The Buffalo Bills have cut their starting quarterback, Trent Edwards, who was the Bills starting quarterback the last 3 years.

The New York Giants are also having some issues with players not showing up to practice, and players who show up to games but are not competing as well as they should.

NFL Online Betting

It is always extremely important to follow the betting trends and against the spread betting patterns for struggling teams which can be found at any online sportsbook. As we are all aware, the real money from betting on NFL games comes from point spread betting, not betting on the moneyline. This is why it is extremely important to not just bet against struggling teams, but struggling teams playing hot teams.

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