Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2010 NFL Draft Recap

This year’s NFL draft had more hype than a Brittney Spears album and it was spread over 3 days instead of the usual 1 day. Since the 2009 NFL draft had record breaking television viewers, the NFL figured it would be a great idea to make it a 3 day event in order to maximize revenue, as if they weren’t making enough money for all those “inappropriate” touchdown celebrations.

NFL Betting Predictions

The St. Louis Rams had the #1 pick and drafted QB Sam Bradford who played for Oklahoma last year which was a predictable move; however what the Denver Broncos did was far from predictable. The Broncos drafted QB Tim Tebow, and added a 3rd QB to their already young roster of QB’s which include highly touted Brady Quinn and Kyle Orton. You can bet that somebody from the Bronco squad is going to be moved very quickly.

All in all the 2010 NFL Draft was pretty predictable and last year’s Super Bowl contenders will remain contenders this year, and the usual losers will remain punching bags again for another year.

My heart goes out to Detroit Lions fans everywhere!

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