Thursday, April 29, 2010

2010 Kentucky Derby Betting

The 136th edition of the Kentucky Derby is only a couple of days away and although NFL betting is my passion, I do dabble in other online sports betting.

I know what you must be thinking, “Is the Kentucky Derby even worth betting on?”
In a word, YES!

What would you say if I told you that the Kentucky Derby in recent years has been the most wagered one day event in all of sport? You probably would think I was on more drugs than Lindsay Lohan, but I kid you not. The Kentucky Derby has more single day wagering than even the Super Bowl if you include online betting and Las Vegas betting!

Kentucky Derby Betting Picks

This year’s Kentucky Derby falls on Saturday, May 1st, 2010 and if you want something to talk about around the water cooler come Monday morning, then you will want to pay close attention to the following 3 points:

1) Find an online sportsbook to sign up with (Bodog, BetUS, SportsInteraction)
2) Deposit a little money
3) Put all that money on American Lion

Once you win feel free to send some steaks my way!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2010 NFL Draft Recap

This year’s NFL draft had more hype than a Brittney Spears album and it was spread over 3 days instead of the usual 1 day. Since the 2009 NFL draft had record breaking television viewers, the NFL figured it would be a great idea to make it a 3 day event in order to maximize revenue, as if they weren’t making enough money for all those “inappropriate” touchdown celebrations.

NFL Betting Predictions

The St. Louis Rams had the #1 pick and drafted QB Sam Bradford who played for Oklahoma last year which was a predictable move; however what the Denver Broncos did was far from predictable. The Broncos drafted QB Tim Tebow, and added a 3rd QB to their already young roster of QB’s which include highly touted Brady Quinn and Kyle Orton. You can bet that somebody from the Bronco squad is going to be moved very quickly.

All in all the 2010 NFL Draft was pretty predictable and last year’s Super Bowl contenders will remain contenders this year, and the usual losers will remain punching bags again for another year.

My heart goes out to Detroit Lions fans everywhere!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sports Betting is my Passion

Yes, it's true, I'm a sports betting maniac. And betting on NFL football, of course, takes the cake. If there's a line on the game, chances are I have a well educated opinion as to which way the game will go, and why. This could either be because I've been following all American sports religiously since my childhood, or because I've got $100 on the game! Either way, I guess you could call me a professional sports betting aficionado. Allow me to bow, hold the applause, thanks.

So the whole reason for starting this blog is to share with all of you, my experiences, my tribulations, my recommendations, tips and strategies to become a better bettor. And as the title would insinuate, expect a lot of NFL centered news.

Online Sports Betting

Betting on sports online is how I do it. There are a million reasons why it is better to wager on sports at an online sportsbook, but the most important reason is convenience. I can hop online at any point of the day, at home, in the office, when I'm waiting for my coffee at Starbucks, to check the lines and odds at a variety of sportsbooks with which I play.

Of course, there's always the bonuses and promotions that keep me coming back, but mostly, it's an issue of convenience. I currently have accounts at Bodog,, BetUS and Bookmaker. This gives me the exact variety that I need to constantly be getting the best of all worlds in terms of value and offerings.

NFL Playoff Betting

What is more exciting than laying money down on the biggest football games of the year? I mean, that whole season is just electric with energy, and everyone I know drops everything to watch those games. If only I had a dollar for every one of my friends who laid a winning bet down during the playoffs because of my tips. I guess I'd be selling picks! But really now, I do this for fun, not to make money! And I've been told that if you really like doing something, you get better at it, and as you get better, it becomes more fun, and if you keep it up, eventually, one day you start making money. Well, I guess you could use that EXACT example to describe me and my daily love for sports betting.

Looking forward to a great year of blogging! Talk to you soon!